What prompted you to start thinking about air quality?
Air quality is very important to me since I have COPD. I have never smoked, but am now on Oxygen most of the time. I used to have pneumonia every spring when I lived in Wisconsin. A few years ago, my wife and I moved to Arizona for the winter and to my wonderful surprise, I did not get pneumonia! Now we spend every winter in Arizona to experience the clean air.
What motivated you to get a Speck?
After doing research, the Speck impressed me the most. I like the screen and the ability to see what is happening right away.
What did you do when you first received your Speck?
I first put Speck in the rooms where I spend the most time - my office was first, then the bedroom, living room, and dining room. I also tested the Speck on my covered porch outside.
What did you learn with Speck?
I was pleasantly surprised to see that our indoor air quality is quite good! I have 2 dogs and 1 cat and when they enter a room, I see that the Speck goes from good to moderate. My pets are great and I know that small spikes in my air quality reading are not harmful just as long as the moderate reading doesn't linger (and it never does!). Even the Arizona outdoor air quality was good.
Is there anything else that you would like to share?
I'm looking forward to learning more about my indoor air quality and why I might see spikes in fine particles. I glance at my Speck every time I walk into a room. And when I am away from home, I can watch the Speck app to see what the fine particle readings are.
The Speck is really enhancing my quality of life - it helps alleviate the stress of worrying about breathing. I am fortunate to have a great device that has an easy way of telling me what is going on with my air!
The Speck is really enhancing my quality of life - it helps alleviate the stress of worrying about breathing. I am fortunate to have a great device that has an easy way of telling me what is going on with my air!